Tech Data Sheet
Product Description
INTEGRAL COLOURS are pure synthetic iron oxide pigments that contain no fillers,
adulterants or admixtures that will affect the characteristics or performance of the concrete mix design.
Because the conditions of use and application of our products are beyond control, Stoney
Creek Ready Mix makes no warranty of fitness or merchantability for any particular purpose
and expressly disclaims liability for incidental or consequential damages whether based on
negligence or warranty. Buyer’s sole remedy shall be the refund of Colour purchase price
from point or purchase.
Colour selections are approximate as closely as possible appearance of Colour when used on
horizontal troweled and/or imprinted concrete. Variations can be expected due to job
conditions, cement finishing techniques, use of sealers and slight raw material Colour drifts.
Due to the natural source materials in cement and handcrafted nature of imprinted concrete,
variations are acceptable and desirable.
Loadings in four-color groupings are
represented as follows:

1) Mix Design
• Integral Colours are quality controlled and consistent. Several factors can affect
the final appearance of concrete. Follow all directions carefully to ensure
consistent batches.
• Concrete should be poured at no more than a 4” slump. Adding water to loads
will result in faded colour. Do not use calcium chloride. If an accelerator is
required, use a non chloride additive. Recommended air entrainment for
regions subject to freeze/thaw cycles is 5-8%.
2) Finishing
• Do not add water to concrete load as setting in place. Begin finishing after
bleed water has evaporated. Finishing techniques should be consistent. Do not
add water as a finishing aid. Any washed tools should be dried before applied
to concrete surface.
3) Curing
• Curing using burlap, plastic, etc. will cause discolouration.